Fedora 29 install time vs Windows 10 1810

Step (Lnx) Time Elapsed (Win)Time Elapsed
Initial boot and begin installation 0:00:00 0:01:34 0:00:00 0:00:51
Configuration 0:01:34 0:00:55 0:00:51 0:03:03
Package installation 0:02:29 0:10:54 0:03:54 0:08:38
(Windows) Reboot and additional installation 0:12:32 0:07:59
Reboot and post-boot configuration 0:13:23 0:01:48 0:20:32 0:07:26
(Windows) Reboot and additional configuration 0:27:59 0:05:10
Desktop ready to use (See note) 0:15:12 0:33:29

Note: With Linux a driver is already available for the video card. With Windows only a generic driver is available, so a proper driver must be downloaded from the manfacturer’s web site and installed.