New Python Markdown extension full_html


Adds a <head> section to the output, wraps the body in <body> and </body> tags, and wraps the entire output in <html> and </html> tags.

<title> tag in the HTML <head>

The <head> gets a <title> from one of the following (first one found is used):

  • A title configuration option
  • The value in an MDX_FULL_HTML_TITLE environment variable
  • A title: metadata tag, if the meta extension is enabled
  • The value of the first header found in the text, even if it’s not level 1

The above order means the default title is taken from the first header found in the document. That can be overidden by a title: in the metadata, which in turn can be overriden by specifying export MDX_FULL_HTML_TITLE="title" on the command line (bash on *nix) or set MDX_FULL_HTML_TITLE=title (Windows cmd.exe) before running the markdown processor. All these values can be overridden within the Python interactive environment by setting the title configuration value when invoking markdown.markdown.

Character set declaration

The <head> section can add the following line:

<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=CHARSET'/>

if one of the following is found (first one found is used):

  • A charset configuration entry
  • The value in an MDX_FULL_HTML_CHARSET environment variable
  • A charset metadata tag, if the meta extension is enabled

Similar to the hierarchy in the title setting, the charset is set in the following increasing order of importance: a charset: metadata entry, an environment variable named MDX_FULL_HTML_CHARSET, and finally a charset configuration entry.

Including CSS

CSS can be added to the <head>, either as a URL to the CSS or the contents of a CSS file. The following are checked in order, and each one found is added to the CSS:

  • A css_url: metadata tag, if the meta extension is enabled
  • The value in an MDX_FULL_HTML_CSS_URL environment variable
  • A css_url config entry
  • The contents of the file named in:
    • A css_file: metadata tag, if the meta extension is enabled
    • The value in an MDX_FULL_HTML_CSS_FILE environment variable
    • A css_file config entry

The above order implies that CSS rules in the css_url: metadata tag are the “base” rules; they can be overridden or supplemented with additional rules found at a URL named in the MDX_FULL_HTML_CSS_URL environment variable, and further refined via CSS found a css_url configuration entry. The ruleset can be extended further by using a css_file: metdata tag, an environment variable named MDX_FULL_HTML_CSS_FILE, and finally a css_file configuration entry.

If you want to include only one set of CSS, you can specify it any way you want: a metadata tag, an environment varliable, or a configuration entry.

A missing CSS file is not considered fatal. A warning is printed to stderr if verbose mode is enabled, either as a configuration option or by specifying the -v/--verbose option to the command line program.