'Commarkk' project cancelled

A couple of weeks ago I decided to cancel the commarkk CommonMark/Markdown project. I hadn’t worked on it since April, and in the meantime I discovered Python Markdown. It comes with an extensive set of plugins and a way of writing your own in Python (hence my renewed interest in Python.) Given that the Python project has already done something like 95% to 98% of what I wanted to achieve with Commarkk, I figured I’d be further ahead writing my own plugins for it instead of sinking more time into Commarkk.

To show the project has been cancelled, I created a tar archive of it with the name Commarkk-cancelled.tar.bz2 and deleted the source directory.

My current plan is to write my own plugins and call them using a shell wrapper named jmd (j + md for markdown). Currently I see a need for:

  • Extended setext headings (in theory I could do this with a pre-processor written in Perl, but that seems to be a strange thing to do with a Python project)
  • The ability to use all headings as internal link targets. Python Markdown has some support for this, but it’s not very clean, and it’s not automatic.
  • % comments (currently I’m doing this in jmd by first running the input document through sed to remove the lines)

(There’s also pandoc, which I installed on my computer four years ago and had forgotten about!)