Commarkk progress

Over the past week I’ve managed to get the following working:

  • The HTML renderer (I wrote it twice: the first approach wasn’t very good, and while thinking on how to improve it came up with a completely different way of doing it)
  • Tweaks to the block parser to make the renderer’s job easier
  • Improvements to how the block parser finds tables in the document. They’re tricky because the only way to recognize them is by their separator linn. But that line may appear after one or two heading lines, and my parsing approach is to examine each line from the document as it comes alone, and by the time the separator line appears the parser may have mishandled one of the header lines because it thought it was something else. Inm my case, I started a table header line with ‘#’ to identify the column as containing a number, and the parser thought it was a level 1 heading.
  • commarkk now deconstructs tables, adds row and header/data items to the Document Parse Stream, and renders them in HTML