ishostavail (Source)

#   Script: ishostavail
#   Author: Brian <> :)
#   Date:   August 2001
#   usage: ishostavail [-v] [-t] host [port]
#   ishostavail is used to determine quickly if a given host is online by
#   attempting to open a socket to it (using TCL). If the open is
#   successful, the script assumes the host was reachable and returns 0,
#   else it returns 1.
#   By default the script attempts to open port 80 (http) on the assumption
#   you're trying to determine if a WWW host is available. You can over-
#   the default port by specifying its name or number after the host.
#   The -v switch enables verbose mode; otherwise this script produces
#   no output.
#   The -t (test) switch causes 0 to be returned on POSIX ECONNREFUSED,
#   on the assumption you are testing to see if the host even exists,
#   regardless of whether or not you can connect to a specified port.
# BUUS: This script is part of Brian's Useful Utilities Set

#   ErrorMsg - prints $1 on stderr; exits if $2 is "exit"
function ErrorMsg {
  echo "$1" >&2
  [ "$2" = "exit" ] && exit 1

#           M A I N   P R O C E S S I N G
[ -z "$1" ] && ErrorMsg "usage: ishostavail [-v] [-t] host [port]" exit

#--- Check the command line ---
for PARM in $*
  case $PARM in
   -t) TEST=true;;
   -v) VERBOSE=true;;
    if [ -z "$HOST" ]
     then HOST=$PARM
     else PORT=$PARM

#----- If the host contains a ":", assume the user meant host:port -----
COLON_POS=$(expr index "$HOST" ":")
if [ $COLON_POS -gt 0 ]
  PORT=$(expr substr "$HOST" $((COLON_POS + 1)) 99)
  HOST=$(expr substr "$HOST" 1 $((COLON_POS - 1)) )

#----- Try to contact the host -----
$VERBOSE && echo -n "ishostavail $HOST/$PORT: "
echo '
  set Host [lindex $argv 1]
  set Port [lindex $argv 2]
  set Test [lindex $argv 3]
  set Verbose [lindex $argv 4]
  set ExitCode 0
  if {[catch {set SOCKET [socket "$Host" "$Port"]} SockErr]} {
    if {[string range $errorCode 0 3] == "NONE" } { set ExitCode 1 }
    if {[string range $errorCode 0 16] == "POSIX ENETUNREACH" } { set ExitCode 1 }
    if {[string range $errorCode 0 17] == "POSIX EHOSTUNREACH" } { set ExitCode 1 }
    if {[string range $errorCode 0 17] == "POSIX ECONNREFUSED" } {
      if {$Test == "false"} { set ExitCode 1 }
    if {$Verbose == "true"} {puts -nonewline stdout "$errorCode "}
  exit $ExitCode
' | /usr/bin/tclsh - $HOST $PORT $TEST $VERBOSE
$VERBOSE && echo -n "(RC $RC) "

#----- Set the return code and exit -----
X="OK"; [ $RC != 0 ] && X="FAIL"
$VERBOSE && echo $X
exit $RC

# vim: tabstop=4