count-http-requests (Source)

#!/usr/bin/awk -f
#   Program: count-http-requests
#   Author:  Brian <> :)
#   Date:    August 2019
#   Reads an input file created from a Firefox Developer Tools Console
#   trace, counts URLs and their success or failure, and displays a
#   list of URLs, counts, and totals.
#   As of August 2019, do the following to create an input file and run
#   this program:
#   * Start Firefox
#   * Press F12 to open the Developer Tools
#   * In the Developer Tools pane or window, click "Console"
#   * Leave only "Requests" turned on; turn off Errors, Warnings, Logs,
#     Info, Debug, CSS, and XHR.
#   * Navigate to the URL of interest
#   * When the page finishes loading, right-click on the main body of the
#     developer tools window and select "Export visible messages to
#     clipboard"
#   * Edit a file (for example, "/tmp/http-requests.A.text" and paste the
#     clipboard contents into it.
#   * Run this program as follows:
#       count-http-requests FILENAME | sort | cut -f2 | less
# BUUS: This script is part of Brian's Useful Utilities Set
BEGIN { h_count=0; t_count_succeed=0; t_count_fail=0; max_h_len=0 }

# On a GET request, get the FQDN and increment its request count
match($0, /^(GET|POST) *https?:\/\/([^\/]+)/, a) {

    # Reverse the host name (e.g. host.domain.tld --> to
    # group all hosts in a given domain together
    count = split(a[2], b, /\./)
    host = ""
    for (i=count; i>0; i--) { host = host (i==count ? "" : ".") b[i] }

    # Initialise counters if we haven't seen this host before
    if (host in h_name) { } else {
        h_name[host] = a[2]
        h_count_all[host] = 0
        h_count_succeed[host] = 0
        h_count_fail[host] = 0
    if (length(d) > max_h_len) max_h_len = length(d)

# On an HTTP response, count success or fail
match($0, /\[HTTP\/... ([0-9][0-9][0-9])/, a) {
    if (a[1] < 400) {
    } else {

# Display results
    for (host in h_name) {
        i = h_count_all[host] - (h_count_succeed[host] + h_count_fail[host])
        x = ""
        if (h_count_succeed[host])  x = h_count_succeed[host] " succeeded"
        if (h_count_fail[host]) x = x (x ? ", " : "" ) h_count_fail[host] " failed"
        if (i)                  x = x (x ? ", " : "" ) i " never completed"
        printf("%s\t%-" max_h_len+1 "s total %i; %s\n", host, h_name[host] ":",
            h_count_all[host], x)

    print "z\t  Total " t_count_all " requests to " h_count " individual hosts: " \
        t_count_succeed " succeeded, " \
        t_count_fail " failed, " \
        t_count_all - (t_count_succeed + t_count_fail) " never completed"

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